Clear Braces

Get Clarity With Ceramic Braces

Damon clear braces are an esthetic alternative to metal braces. Clear braces come with translucent ceramic brackets, which blend in with the color of your natural smile.

A Clear Choice for a Brighter Smile

Damon Clear braces are made of a clear ceramic material that is stain-proof and is virtually invisible. Many older teenagers and adult patients at Clinebell & Anderson like this subtler option because they get the esthetic benefit while still getting the great results that can be achieved with the Damon System.

We use clear braces to create your smile the same way as metal braces, except these ceramic brackets blend in better with your smile. Because the ceramic is more fragile than metal, we only use clear braces on your upper teeth to prevent any chipping or cracking of the lower brackets during eating.

Stay in the Clear With the Damon System

After a thorough orthodontic evaluation with our orthodontists, we can determine which treatment option will be best for you and your smile.

At Clinebell & Anderson, we generally think ceramic braces suit adults and older teens better than children and younger teens because, while they provide similar outcomes, ceramic brackets are more fragile and expensive than metal brackets.

Schedule a free consultation at our office in Decatur to learn if they may be right for you.

decatur braces

The Damon System

The Damon® System is a line of braces that straighten teeth, correct bites, and help improve smiles with ease and speed. With this progressive orthodontic solution, adults and teens can undergo treatment to transform their smile in less time, with fewer appointments and greater comfort.

Traditional braces are tied in place with elastics, which cause friction and pressure, and often result in slower, less comfortable treatment. Damon® braces use an innovative slide mechanism to hold the wire in place, which allows teeth to move more freely, quickly, and comfortably.

Damon® Clear Brackets

The Damon® Clear bracket is made of a clear ceramic material that is stain-proof and virtually invisible. The Damon® Clear is the choice for adults or teens who are looking for something other than traditional metal braces but still want the great results that can be achieved with the Damon® System.

With Damon Clear Brackets and a good oral hygiene routine, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about giving up your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of wine. Just one way we try to take care of our patients at Clinebell & Anderson.

Damon Clear Braces Woman Smiling

Get a Clear, Confident Smile

After a thorough orthodontic evaluation with Clinebell & Anderson, we can determine which treatment option will be best for you and your smile.

At Clinebell & Anderson, we generally think ceramic braces suit adults and older teens better than children and younger teens. This is because ceramic brackets are more likely to break, and they're more expensive than metal brackets.

Schedule a free consultation at our office in Decatur to learn if they may be right for you.